The Izmir Pink Special Afghan Poppy Seeds (Papaver Somniferum Var Galania) is a captivating flower known for its unique attributes. This poppy variety is associated with the region of Afghanistan and is characterized by its beautiful pink blooms.

These seeds where sourced from Izmir Oil & Spice Company in BC In 2007 they are extremally rare. These are suspected to be GMO seed, this is NOT true. Izmir Izmir Oil & Spice Company acquired these seed pre 9/11. GMO seed wasn’t introduced to Afghanistan until 2012 to 2014 and there is NO verifiable proof that the seed in Afghanistan is GMO, other than fluff article’s and rumors. Thus we suspect none of the Galania seed in the world is GMO, but ours is definitely is not GMO. What does that mean? it means our seed is of rare linage and should be cherished and used to cross with other poppy. We have a strict NO GMO SEED POLICY. We try to keep seeds in there natural form and do not condone genetic modification. If you have some kind of proof to say otherwise, we would love to hear from you as we strive to be factual in all seed standings. Thanks Izmir Poppy.

With its enchanting pink petals, the Afghan Sand Izmir Pink Special Poppy adds a touch of elegance and allure to gardens and floral arrangements. The vibrant pink color creates a visually stunning display, making it a highly desired choice among aesthetic growers.


We ship our seeds in USPS 3-day padded envelopes to ensure fast and safe delivery, unlike our competitors who use regular envelopes. Our packaging helps protect the seeds from being crushed during shipping, ensuring they reach you fresh, viable, and intact. We take extra measures by shipping five times the amount of seed compared to a normal vendor, increasing your chances of success in your grow.

All our strains are meticulously sourced, tested, and 100% confirmed to be authentic. We primarily specialize in Izmir Strains and Izmir Crosses, but occasionally carry other rare seeds as well. Each batch of seeds undergoes germination checks after being grown and seeded. Our seeds are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Additionally, we provide extra seed in every order.

Our seeds consistently produce multiple flowers and are quality checked for high germination rates, count, and size. We select the biggest flowers with superior qualities and size to promote superior genes in our genome selections.

The original source of our seeds is the “Izmir Oil & Spice Company in BC, Canada,” or they are obtained from verified sellers who have bred them for several generations or crossed them. These seeds can go from seed to flower in approximately 55 to 60 days, but if you experience transplant shock, the outdoor growing time can extend to 90 days.

Here are the instructions for indoor planting:

1. Directly sow the seeds into new soil in 5-gallon pots.

2. Provide 16 hours of light per day throughout the entire growth cycle.

3. Water the plants 2 times a day, increasing to 3 times daily in high temperatures.

4. Maintain a temperature range of 62 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s important to note that direct sowing is recommended for poppy seeds, and transplanting should be avoided.

Poppy seeds may require a cool period of 2-4 weeks to break dormancy, but cold stratification is not necessary.

For outdoor planting, follow these guidelines:

1. Plant the seeds directly in their intended location.

2. Ensure the soil is ordinary, moist, and well-drained.

3. Provide full sun exposure for the poppies.

4. The seeds should not be planted deeply but lightly compressed into the soil to allow for light exposure.

5. If planting in rows, space the seeds 6 to 8 inches apart.

6. Poppies are frost-tolerant and can be sown in late autumn or early spring in zones 3-7, while zones 8-10 should plant them in late autumn or winter.

7. Regular watering is necessary, although poppies can tolerate dry conditions. Fertilization is not required.

8. Poppies generally take 60 to 120 days to bloom after germination, but this timing can vary depending on your growing zone and planting date.

10. To extend the bloom season, sow successive plantings of the seeds and regularly water, apply mulch for moisture retention, and deadhead spent flowers.

Please note that we sell seeds for ornamental and aesthetic purposes only. We do not sell bulk seed, stems, or pods. We take pride in preserving rare ornamental strains.

It is important to understand that poppy seeds are sold for ornamental and aesthetic purposes only. Izmirpoppy, its employees, or agents are not aware of, nor do they condone, any other use of poppy seeds. By purchasing poppy seeds from our site, the buyer agrees to use them solely for ornamental and aesthetic purposes. The buyer assumes all responsibility.

Weight.01 kg
Dimensions7 × .5 × 4 cm